The Nutrisense Tool: Monitoring Blood Sugar
When it comes to helping clients get results that benefit them physically and mentally, it takes more than a discussion about calories in versus calories out. The formula is rarely as simple as “move more, eat less.” This statement oversimplifies biochemistry and metabolism. Instead, we need to teach our clients the value of blood sugar control and how it can benefit them and their health goals. Using technology like the Nutrisense tool can be just the avenue to helping clients obtain success in health and weight goals.
Why Blood Sugar Matters
There is confusion around the concept of blood sugar — not what it is, but why it’s important and more specifically, who it’s important for. Common thinking is that if an individual is pre-diabetic or has diabetes, blood sugar should be monitored and tightly controlled to promote reversal of the condition or to manage the condition effectively. The truth is blood sugar is an important biological response and it can tell us quite about a person’s dietary balance and aid in understanding (and overcoming) barriers to weight and fat loss.
When blood sugar goes on a roller coaster, insulin is the predominant hormone. Insulin promotes storage — fat storage. Whereas its counterpart, glucagon, promotes fat burning (vs. storage). When blood sugar is inconsistently controlled, glucagon takes a seat on the bench and fat burning is halted. As many clients hope to lose weight (specifically, fat mass), ignoring blood sugar will only interfere with that process, thus delaying the results the client desires. Not an ideal situation.
For fat loss to occur, the body must be and feel metabolically safe. Two components of metabolic safety and functionality include not eating in a severe caloric deficit and being mindful of an effective balance of food choices. Keeping the focus on protein, healthy fat, and fiber at all meals will balance blood sugar and promote a more functional (and efficient) metabolism.
A Worthy Tool
To change an individual’s metabolic health and functionality, data is necessary as it reveals patterns that may require intervention. Nutrisense is one tool that can provide such data.
While it’s not within our scope to provide specialized nutritional interventions or recommend clients run out and purchase a device, it is important for us, as health and fitness professionals, to understand the availability and utility of a tool like Nutrisense.
Nutrisense is an innovative approach to continuous glucose monitoring. Not only does it reveal a picture of how an individual’s body responds to food, but it can build awareness around habits that may need “tweaking” (which is where you can coach your clients through the behavior change process). Ultimately, shifting these habits will promote longevity, improve energy levels, and lead to that desired fat loss and weight management clients so often identify as a goal.
How it Works
Nutrisense uses a small device that is worn on the back of the arm. It does use a small micro-needle to collect blood sugar data, however, the use of the device is foolproof and because it continually monitors glucose levels, consistent patterns and body responses are recorded. One of the best parts of this tool and system is that individuals are guided in a personalized fashion by a dietitian (not someone who claims to be a “guru”). It is a subscription system, which means individuals register and sign up for the service, which is tailored by the goal the individual wants to achieve. The goals can range from learning about what to eat to optimizing well-being.
Another innovative aspect of this system is its package service approach. Clients can select from the following options:
- Two weeks
- 1 month
- 3 months
- 6 months
- 1 year
It’s not a one-size-fits-all subscription plan, which is a different (and quality) approach from other subscription services on the market. Costs range from $200-$350 a month; you may also secure nutrition-only guidance for $175 a month with a three-month commitment (which also includes one free month with the device).
If you see clients who are struggling to achieve their goals despite consistent activity and perceived balanced nutritional habits, consider evaluating if a more in-depth approach, like Nutrisense, is warranted.
Originally published on the NFPT Blog Site.